Saturday, October 09, 2004

Simple Saturday

Saturday October 9, 2004
Time: 11:15am
Place MAA gym
Temp 15 C
Humdity 2/10

On the menu 7km on the treadmill no incline

What I ate before: yogust and banana
How I felt: Out of sorts, slept late woke up late. Body clock a little messed up.
Physical issues: left ankle and shin

Speed 9.6 km/h 6:15 min pace.

How I felt during: Initially it felt slightly difficult to start but given the slow speed, I was able to quick establish my running form and 30 min into the workout, I had to fight the urge not to speed up. My body has a predilection for a certain pace which I have to combat.

How I felt afterward. Joints were fine. My body enjoys running faster but given my current level of phyiscal fitness, that pace is not sustainable for next week's run. Must focus and discipline myself or I will not achieve my time. I'm more of an Endurance II runner as opposed to an Endurance I. Can't sleep late anymore, or else my body will not be able to perform at peak capacity.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Tactical Thursday

Thursday October 7, 2004

Time: 5:30pm
Place 400m loop behind statue at Mont-Royal park
Running company: Dorys and the Thursday group.

How I felt before:

Mentally: Good as I was off running for last four days. Slightly apprehensive as I do not remember the last time I was off for so long:

Physcially: Left ankle and shin were presenting some issues. I had a horrible lunch as it did not move (burger and poutine) from my tummy. Felt heavy

On the menu: 3 sets of 3 loops of the 400m track with a 3 min rest in between pieces. Here is the catch. Run the first loop at a pace whereby you can run the second (not walk) second loop at a pace exactly 30 seconds slower and complete the final loop with the same pace as the first loop. Dorys did not assign percentages to serve as guides. We were to run based on feeling.

As per usual, Dorys punished the group by running with us for the first loop. Fortunately, I did not fall for the trap of trying to keep up with him. As the front runners would run the first loop too fast (being fresh and wanting to keep up with Dorys), they slowed down more by more than 30 seconds in the second loop and were not able to resume their initial speed for the final loop.

As for myself, I ran conservatively; with the race a week away, a burger in my tummy and my ankle issues. I ran the first loop too slow. As a result for the second loop, I was not able to decrease my pace by 30 secs. I was running my recovery pace at it was only 15 sec slower than my first loop.

In a similar vein my second and third set were in a similar fashion. The first I would run too slow, the time differential between the first and second was less than the 30 seconds demanded, however being the final pieces, I sprinted the final loop of the set in frustration. I was able to narrow the gap from 15 secs to 10 seconds from the first set to the final set.

How I felt afterward:

Mentally: Awake and ready for more. Disappointed because it took me half an hour to get prepared

Physically: The sluggish effect from the burger was gone. My ankle and shin issues were no longer present and my body was finally warmed up and ready to run.

Concerns: I hope it doesn't take that long for my body to warm up during race day. Then again, I better not eat burgers the night before. I should just stick with banana and yogurt.

The stretch afterward was wonderful. Dorys suggested that as fall draws near, should the weather not be cooperative during our run sessions, we can move to the pool for aqua jogging. Some of the girls raised issue with that citing that they did not want to wearing a swim cap or remove their makeup. That got me riled up inside. Oh well, everyone has their reasons I suppose.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Fun run Sunday

Sunday October 3, 2004

Time 10am
Place Rene Levesque/Peel
Distance: 5km?
Temp 10 C
Humidity 1/10
slight breeze

On the menu. Pink ribbon run.

What I ate before: Banana and yogurt
How I felt. Tired and apprehensive that my left shin would act up.
With whom I ran: Eve

Arriving there at 8am at the behest of Eve who wanted to warm up, we found that despite our attempts to warm up by performing various stretches and short runs, our limbs would be getting stiffer in this cool weather.

Sporting my run cap and my run jacket, I found the need to continue moving or else my legs would freeze. Perhaps I should have worn tights that day.

As we sat in the CIBC building waiting for the start, I assumed the role of a spectator. Watching people of all stripes and background assemble this cool Sunday morning for an important cause. People of all ethnicities and body shapes gathered this day to contribute their effort and time. It was really a sight to behold.

These people are not of the sort that you would expect to see at a regular race. My mind wandered for a moment thinking about the race in Valleyfield that was occuring at the same moment That race was a 15km distance and the calibre of runners in that crowd are by far, more of the runner type that you would expect to see than here today.

With my marathon run in just under two weeks, I questionned the merit and wisdom of running this event. There was no competitive feel to it. Both Eve and myself enjoyed a moment of levity when the start line was pushed further ahead. Was this really worth our time? Eve had spent some time preparing for this run.

As soon as those thoughts resonated in my mind they were just as quickly quashed. Today was not for me, neither for Eve or the other runners out there. It was for the people who could not be here this Sunday, the bravest ones that are suffering from this disease. They are the true heroes, that we need to salute.

Seeing other runners dedicating their run to a survivor or someone who succumbed to this disease reminded me of that. Not having known anyone who suffered from this disease, I could only imagine what it could be like to lose someone this way.

It's humbling and ironic at the same time. The irony that I derive from this run is that no matter how fast or hard I run, I will never have the strength of those people who suffered or who are suffering from this disease. They are a beacon of strength, that I look at with awe. There is no selfish motive for them in running this run like the medals I receive, they do it for the sake of their loved ones. That in my mind humbles me and makes me ashame that I just run for shiny medals, which in the grand scheme of things is immaterial when compared to having a loved one by your side.

The run started and the runners started first. Eve had noticed that someone had carelessly left their package on the ground. I picked it up and was looking for a place to dispose of it. It would be horrible if people were to get hurt because of somebody's carelessness. With no bin to be found, Eve and myself pretended that the package (which was rolled up into a tube) was a baton and this was a relay race. Every 20 meters or so, we would enter an handoff. It really injected a moment of levity into what otherwise would be a solemn event. We laughed and giggled from one exchange to another. Through the exchanges, we started off really quickly and what stands out in my mind was the reaction of others as they witnessed what was transpiring before their eyes.

We saw familiar faces which warmed the heart on this cool Sunday morning. The procession of walkers bearing banners started behind us and despite the bottleneck on certain streets as the course consisted of two loops of the same path, the event was without incident.

It was hard to believe that the run was already over just as soon as it began. It felt as if where were running 5-5:20s. Eve's watch had recorded a time of 23 min. Even when we retired back to the gym to freshen up, there were still walkers abound. It was a great day to be had by all and everyone was a winner as all the proceeds raised from this run brings us a step closer to never having to run a pink ribbon run again.

Last long run

Saturday October 2, 2004
Time: 6:20am
Distance 32km
Temp: 13 C
Humidity 3/10

What I had for breakfast: Banana and 2 yogurtHow I felt before: Lazy as I was supposed to start earlier. I was supposed to start at 5:30am but my blanket and pillow conspired to immobilise me.

How I felt at the start. Shin presented some pain and I felt tired from the previous days' run.

On the menu:

Home to -Olmsted trail to Peel exit-west on Notre Dame-south on De La Montagne- east on Bridge-Irlandais-Des Moulins toward Concorde bridge-off at Ile Jean drapeau follow path until bridge just past the metro. over bridge to the hair pin turn on the F1 track. Loop of the track back to hairpin down to the Olympic basin. loop of basin back to the bridge across from the hair pin turn at the F1 track. head toward Jacques Cartier, run across, off at De Lorimier, west on Maisoneuve, north on Papineau 2 loops of Lafontaine park commencing and ending at Sherbrooke/Papineau. head west on Sherbrooke until MAA

Pace 6 min/km

How I felt during:

Legs felt heavy breathing was fine as the pace had slowed. I found that I put in more effort than I needed to maintain that speed. Hunger pangs sporadic but infrequent.
What I drank gatorade (Blue) half litre.
Did not stop (yay!)
Pace: Garmin tracked a 6min/km pace

How I felt at the end:

hams and quads felt really tight as if they were being streched to the point of snapping. Feet felt heavy. Spirits were high as I sprinted the last 100 meters.

Post run recovery: 15 min stretch. Felt really good, I might have pull something in my right quad when I was stretching.

weight at the end 137.5 lbs. Lost about 5 pounds? hmm.. if only they would stay off.


Losing muscle mass For such a disstance I lost about 2200 calories. Perhaps the yogurt and banana are not enough. However my stomach is very delicate especially pre runand I cannot consume large quantities of anything without yielding an adverse effect on performance. Running the pink ribbon run with Eve. She is definitely gonna kick my ass especially with such stiff hams and quads. Fatigue is overwhelming my faculities and affects my mood. I still have my wits about me but let's just say that I'm not in shape for a soliloquy.
Felt bitter sweet as this is the last long run before the marathon. Wished I could have ran it stronger.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Flying Friday

October 1, 2004
Place MAA gym
Time: 6am
What I ate before Yogurt and banana
Temp 20 C
Humidity 2/10

On the menu: Distance 10.9km Speed 11.5 km/h Pace 5:10

How I fielt before: Apprehensive. left ankle stiff, left shin hurting.

Upon the start, my left ankle felt very stiff, when I tried to flex it to loosen it up, my shin would act up and make itself known.

After 2km the pain subsided and I had established a cruising speed. By the 8km mark, I felt slightly winded and dehydrated.

Concerns at the end, left shin. Getting ready for Saturdays long run.