Saturday, May 21, 2005

I hate bonking

Time 9am
Start place gym downtown
Weather conditions: 10 C breezy, overcast with intermittent showers.
Distance 20km
Path gym-Notre Dame-De La Montagne-Bridge-Irlandais-Pierre Dupuis-Pont De la Concorde-Tour de L'ile-Jacque Cartier-De Lorimier-De Maisoneuve-Papineau- 1.5 laps of Lafontaine park-Rachel-Olmstead until Peel exit-gym.
Time to completion: Bah... about 2:15:00

Objective: LSD run with heart rate less than 152bpm

What I ate: two bananas, no yogurt
How much sleep I had the night before: 7 hours
What I wore: Nike white run cap. Blue sugoi long sleeve, NB blue short. wright sock, White Asics Nimbus V

Preconditions: Just recovering from a cold. Intermittent runny nose as and dry cough. I need to remmeber to take cough syrup with expectorant to manage this for the next run.

I felt fine starting off. I considered the initial difficulty just part of my warmup process. The temperature was slightly cooler than I anticipated

For the first 10km the effort was consumerate with the heart rate that I was expecting. Following that, the winds picked up and everything starting to decompose. My posture, cadence (turnover) gait. Everything that I had taken as a given was put into question. I had to stop several times for walk breaks. *sigh* I hate gallow-wimping.

Upward drift brought the rate close to 160bpm. As soon as I would take a walk break, I could see the rate drop quickly but not below 130. I wasn't short of breath but I was running out of gas- fast.

I didn't break any water and I felt a viscous film forming on my lips. I fault myself for not having eaten that yogurt and not having brought a water supply with me.

Even as I type this, 2 hours later, after having transitioned properly (strech, shower, eat), fatigue has not left my body yet.

Thoughts during race: heat training is something I need to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Water is what you need to do! Actually Gatorade would have done you some good. If it's not IN you....

Now what we all want to know is:

What did you eat after your run? Details and pictures please. Recipe if necessary.


May 21, 2005 at 11:00 PM  
Blogger Turtleboy said...

Hi Eve,

You're absolutely correct on that one. Definitely a water supply (and/or an electrolyte solution) would have changed the outcome of this run. I know better than that which makes this run all the more frustrating.

Post recovery, the first thing I consumed post run was my Endurox R4 solution. After the transition, I headed off to Chinatown from some nummy numbs (Egg tart, Cha siu bow, guy may bow, but-ah roll, bak tong go) for home honest ;)

Munched on a banana and an apple on the way home and had lunch (rice and soup).

May 22, 2005 at 12:33 AM  

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