Friday, January 14, 2005

boy I'm rusty

Time: 6:30am
Place: MAA gym
Treadmill interval workout

What I ate before: yogurt and banana
How I felt before slightly tired and sore from previous day

On the menu: 15 min warm @9.6kph 4 accelerations for 15 sec every 3min. 10.6,11.6,12.6 13.6

1x8 of 1 min at 14kph. Rest period of 1 min at 9.6kph
Incline: 1 set at zero, 2nd at 0.5 3rd at 1.0 4th at 1.5 5th at 1.5 6th at 1.0 7th at 0.5 8th at zero

10min at 9.6kph
cool down (5min)

How I felt before: slightly apprehensive but otherwise fine.
How I felt during: very well for the first half until I hit set 5. Then things became difficult. Dorys happened to be training 2 treadmills over so that provided some psychological benefit to me.

Heart rate hit 173bpm which was in the range
During the 10min cooldown, concern as the heart rate did not drop back to sub 150 quickly. Hovering in the 150-155 range. During the last five minutes at 9.6kph heart rate feel between 140-145.

Cool down brought heart rate down to 120. Normally 100-110.

Despite feeling good this speed workout proved to be taxing on my system.

I am so rusty.

After thought: 14kph was the proper speed for me to stay within range.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

hoo boy, what have I done?

I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew. I'll be training tomorrow night with the Mcgill Triathalon club at the track tomorrow night. I'm defnitely going to have my ass handed to me on a silver platter as I watch young 20 years old whiz by me while I'm gasping for air. If that wasn't bad enough, they are training for a shorter distance so there is no way I'll be able to match their intensity.

I just need to prove to myself I still have it before next week. One week from tomorrow, things change. I look at myself and realise that I'm no longer young. I don't know how much longer I have it in me to go as hard as I have. It's scary when you look in the mirroir and all that you see is just the memory of who you once were as opposed to the future.

It's sad. People want to celebrate with me but I've always seen myself alone. Perhaps that's the way I'm meant to be. That'll be the only way I survive tomorrow's onslaught of insane drills. Just tune everyone out and run for myself ignoring everyone and everything else. Perhaps that's why I enjoy running. Despite being able to run with company, in the end, you're all alone. At some level that must resonate well with my solitary spirit.