Friday, October 01, 2004

Whirlwind Wednesday

September 29, 2004

Time 7:00am
Place MAA Gym
Temp 20 C
Humidity 2/10

How I felt prior: Apprehensive
Wait I ate for breakfast: Banana and yogurt
On the menu this day: Treadmill work 15 min at 9.6km/h (6:15 pace) 2 13 min segments at 12.5km/h (4:50 pace) with a 5 min active rest at 9.6km/h 5 min cooldown

How I felt during. pain experienced in left shin. Left ankle began to present issues. Stiffness, heaviness. Issues present in the right knee as I tried to compensate.

Second speed segment started to feel tired but otherwise reminiscent of the half I ran on Sunday.

The stretch was most enjoyable.

Concerns: Immediate: shin/ankle Remote right knee.

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Final game of the Expos

I attended the last game of the Montreal Expos last night. Quite a solemn event. Despite the drubbing we received losing 9 to 1 against Florida, the theme of the evening was saying goodbye. Granted the irony that we were playing against Florida did not escape us. fyi, Jeff Loria, owner of the Florida Marlins, used to own the expos is is vilified for having stolen all the talent off the expos and selling the team to purchase the Florida Marlins several years back.

A few skirmishes as instigators tried to wreak havoc but the overall sentiment was that of resignation. You could feel the presence of security as a phalanx of police officers were present. There was an altercation near my section (107) whereby they were called in to quell. An incident in the third inning where some hooligan threw a golf ball onto the field prompted frustration and anger by the irate crowd. Repeated warnings of cancellation of the game if this behavour were to continue finally subdued the crowd. The fate of the expos was sealed in the second inning, already down 5 to 0 but unlike previous games, the fans for the most part did not leave.

At the conclusion of this game, we were treated to a tribute by the Expos team thanking everyone, from ushers to security but most importantly us, for the memories. Some of the fans were teary eyed as a torrent of memories of what the expos could have been but never realised came to the surface. So many fans sport jersey's of old players (Tim Wallach for example and others before my time). Tim Raines made a surprise appearance to the delight of the crowd and thanked the fans for our support. The irony was just overwhelming; it was our lack of support that resulted in this tragedy. But for this evening, if only for a moment, we celebrated the end of an era. The memory will live long in hearts and the debate will rage for a long time to come of what could have been, what should have been, but what never was.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Why do I run?

Why do I run?

I've been asked the question on previous occassions and every now and then, I stop what I'm doing to ask myself that same question? I enjoy being facaetious and providing the quick answer of, "I run to be able to eat guilt free." but obviously that is but a part of the truth. (About the size of a slice of yummy cheese cake).

Running has provided me the means to discover who I am. It is manner by which I have been able to develop a sense of self worth, self confidence and the discipline. In short, character. It has allowed me to overcome my feelings of insecurity and helplessness and provided me with a means to empower myself. It is the engine that allows me to achieve my goals that is fueled by a passion.

This passion grows as I evolve into a stronger runner. Success from my runs fuels loftier goals and broadens my ambition. All these benefits transcend the sport itself and affect other facets of my life, social, professional and personal.

Someone close to me relayed another benefit of running. Delayed gratfication. I find myself in a world where attention spans are shrinking by the moment and every one is looking for a quick fix. Lofty goals are not accomplished immediately and those who presume otherwise are often doomed to failure. Running has taught me to pace myself and has provided me with the ability of proportionality.

Most importantly, running has not only allowed me to realise how far I have come along as an individual but opened my eyes as to how much further I have yet to go, toward becoming a better person.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004
