Why do I run?
Why do I run?
I've been asked the question on previous occassions and every now and then, I stop what I'm doing to ask myself that same question? I enjoy being facaetious and providing the quick answer of, "I run to be able to eat guilt free." but obviously that is but a part of the truth. (About the size of a slice of yummy cheese cake).
Running has provided me the means to discover who I am. It is manner by which I have been able to develop a sense of self worth, self confidence and the discipline. In short, character. It has allowed me to overcome my feelings of insecurity and helplessness and provided me with a means to empower myself. It is the engine that allows me to achieve my goals that is fueled by a passion.
This passion grows as I evolve into a stronger runner. Success from my runs fuels loftier goals and broadens my ambition. All these benefits transcend the sport itself and affect other facets of my life, social, professional and personal.
Someone close to me relayed another benefit of running. Delayed gratfication. I find myself in a world where attention spans are shrinking by the moment and every one is looking for a quick fix. Lofty goals are not accomplished immediately and those who presume otherwise are often doomed to failure. Running has taught me to pace myself and has provided me with the ability of proportionality.
Most importantly, running has not only allowed me to realise how far I have come along as an individual but opened my eyes as to how much further I have yet to go, toward becoming a better person.
Pursuing an athletic goal has very little to do with athletics and all to do with mindset. The discipline you learn, the courage you build - it's the pure guts you develop to dig deep inside yourself and push the limits to the maximum. It's the suffering and the pain of never giving up when you think you've already lost that will propel you up to the next level.
Succeeding is, more than anything else, picking yourself up on the bad days and deciding that you will not be defeated. (David Halberstam)
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