Saturday, February 26, 2005


Time 10:15am
Place University and Pine
On the menu 17.5km
Weather -10 No wind
How I felt tired, out of sorts and twisted my left ankle at intersection of Pine and University.

Trajectory: Piine-Cote Des Neiges-Boulevard-Cote St Luc Road-Connaught, Chester- Nortview, West Minister, Sherbrooke Peel

Pace slow.. about 8min per km on Garmin
Heart rate always below 150. That was today's objective.

On on set of fatigue was slow and insidious. I'm am used to feeling fatigue and reaching exhaustion after a hard sprint but today's session was different. While maintain a low heart rate. I felt myself slowing down over time in order to maintain that ceiling. Every stride became less and less fluid and required more effort and concentration. On the way back from Sherbrooke, I was looking forward to red lights at intersections.

I'm glad that it's over and done with. Honouring the heart race self imposed ceiling is something that I'll have work on.


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