Thursday, November 18, 2004

It's great to be back

6:00am at MAA gym
7.3km run at 9.6kph
45 min run including cool down
yogurt and banana
run tank,NB shorts, Asics Nimbus V

tired but a relatively easy run. Only a slight soreness in my knee. Pain in left shin no longer there

Physio is working. I'm feel so stupid not having gone in for physio sooner. I had assumed the worst thinking that the pain I experienced as a stress fracture. As a result my cowardice resulted in the shifting of weight from the left to right leg causing me to run bow legged. This resulted in a case of ITB syndrome. The pain I would experience after 20 minutes of running was a sharp stabbing pain that would grind me to a halt.

Heather worked on both issues, using active release therapy, a process known as, "stripping" heat therapy, ultrasound and basic streching and some ice.

I've had three sessions with her and I've been able to run longer with less pain. That is a good thing. My new shoes should be coming in soon enough. I feel like a caged bird not being able to run.

I'm tired but it's great to be back.


Blogger Yvonne said...

Ummm is her hair blonde (like that says anything these days), is she slim, used to be a dancer, work at WORLD GYM, and did she go to Concordia? If it's her, she's the one the massacred my calves a few years back. It was brutal. And so soothing. Going to get my shoes at Carl's tomorrow.

November 18, 2004 at 5:43 PM  

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