Friday, October 15, 2004

Final thoughts for race day

As Dorys so eloquently said:

8km concentration
8km patiente
8km travail
8km volonté
8km acharnement
2.195km euphorie

The first 8km are going to require the most mental effort. Mentally and physically to restrain myself from starting too fast and being distracted. The weather forecast Sunday at this point included a 60% chance of precipitation. High of 10.

The start looks to be a cold one. Must make sure to keep me legs warm while waiting for the race to commence.

Keeping my spirits high and my expectations modest.


Blogger Yvonne said...

Don't forget the banana and yogourt! Although... for 42.2 km, how many bananas and yougourt will you have?

On a more serious note, have fun!


October 15, 2004 at 10:40 PM  
Blogger Yvonne said...

You need to change your profile now! You are no longer an "aspiring" marathon runner. Simply a marathon runner! Congratulations, hope you enjoyed the journey of your first one, and that of many more to come.


October 18, 2004 at 9:28 AM  

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