Saturday, January 01, 2005

New Years Resolution run

Time 11:00AM
Place Running Room Outremont
Distance 5km

Today marks the first day of the New Year. A late night followed by an early start definitely made for slow start. Fortunately, I was only volunteering for the 5km New Years Resolution Fun Run.

Arriving at the store at 10am I was greeted by feelings of nostalgia. Memories of many long runs overwhelmed me as I entered the store. Seeing Chantal was a really special as we immediately caught up from where we left off. I showed off my volunteer duds for this day. A Brooks run vest that made me look like a school crossing guard.

The run was a joint production with the Running Room in Westmount. What I found really interesting was that most of the runners were from the Westmount store. It was really nice meeting them. They were very nice and I received many invitations for me to switch over to the Westmount store to run with them. It was nice seeing familiar faces, including Mike from the Boreal group. He had run the Toronto marathon with me and came very close to qualifying for Boston. We both agreed that that race was not a fun one to run.

I took pictures of the runners and posted them at this free site that I've learned about:

Looking back, it's amazing how far I've come. The races that I ran in 2004 seem like a distant memory. So many races to look forward to. It's a question of doing my homework and become a stronger and more confident runner. I have several goals in mind but for now I'll just keep them to myself. I don't want to jinx myself.

It's going to be a great year.


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